Good morning everyone. This is the second of the series on angels that I am painting in gouache. Perhaps you may have seen the first one here that I did before Christmas. Actually, I want to point out that I don’t paint these for any religious purpose. But I just love the motif and the opportunity of trying to achieve different light effects. Anyway, I spent some time this week catching up and finishing off several pieces I had on the go. And, in this one, I needed to make the figure look more realistic. ( I’m really missing my Life Drawing practice!) In addition, I experimented with the texture of the feathers, and the golden light effect around the angel.
Meanwhile, I kept thinking about a class I did a couple of weeks ago. In fact, it was very good. Our tutor tried to help us to move away from figurative style into a more abstracted representation. Firstly, we sketched a simple line drawing of a ceramic object. Then, we tried to abstract and exaggerate the features and maybe change the colours.
Then we were encouraged to go one stage further and create a completely abstract composition, using the ideas in our previous stages.
Well this was just the start of my idea, we ran out of time in class. Hopefully, I will get a bit more done in my next catching up and finishing off session!