A Colourful Painting of a Mediterranean Coastal Scene in Watercolour

This is my latest – a fairly quick watercolour sketch of a harbour scene. Because I was so fed up of all the dark , damp days we were having , I chose something light and sunny to paint. And it really worked ! My mood lifted straight away and , as an added bonus, everyone else who looked at it cheered up too . I really enjoy creating a colourful painting . I don’t know about you , but what I work on always affects my emotions. Art Therapy, anyone ?

Now , this acrylic painting is another example of my colourful painting that I did to brighten up dark November days . But this was put together in a completely different way from the harbour scene which is carefully detailed . To be honest , Sunshiny Day was painted quite instinctively . And I really had no idea before I started whet it would turn out to be . And it evolved gradually. It was a surprise to me , but I liked it ! I must say , I don’t often produce work this way – but I feel a series coming on. Are there any more Abstract Expressionists out there? ( I added the words afterwards to make it into a poster for my current exhibition – see previous post for details )
You can find this abstract painting with a few more in my Gallery Abstracts here
The top one reminds me of a place in Corsica I visited and spent time painting. The abstract certainly lifts the gloom
Thanks for that, G .It is indeed Corsica , from a photo – I’ve never been . I painted the ‘ orange ‘ one to cheer me up and it seems to have that effect on other people too, which is great.