Good morning everyone. This is what’s on my easel at the moment and I must stress, it’s not finished! But, I spent a very pleasant hour getting it to this stage and it started me thinking about the different kinds of abstract I like to paint. For example, this type I would call instinctive or intuitive because I had no plan . However, I do think that some deep feelings do surface as I am painting in this way. Of course, no one may notice apart from myself. Hopefully, it will also be a fairly pleasing arrangement of shapes and colours, whether it has a deeper meaning or not .

This is a close up of different ways of applying paint, such as palette knife, dripping and scratching out. I think it just adds interest ( I love doing it too!)

And in this one, I used thin wash, stippling and spattering.

Now this was done in a totally different way – in this class we were shown how to study a real 3d ceramic object. Then take inspiration from its shape, texture and so on and I actually did find this a fascinating way to work. So, there we have at least two different kinds of abstract, but I am sure there must be more. If you paint abstracts, which method do you like to use in your creative practice?
I like both approaches and use them both. I guess for me it’s all dependent on how I am feeling. And I’m not in control of which approach I choose, it seems.
That’s interesting – I would always use the intuitive method, unless I’m following a tutorial. I didn’t realise that I was so set in my ways.
I like these examples of your art.
As you say”The main thing is I enjoy doing it too.”😎
If you enjoy your art you will keep playing and as they say practice makes perfect. 😎